Greetings, fellow hosters!

Not too long ago I was thinking to myself, “Self, it’s time for a new project.”  This blog is that project.  So what is all about?  I’m glad you asked.

Over the years I’ve built a successful web hosting business from the ground up.  It was never my goal to build an empire.  My goal was a self-sustaining, supplemental income-providing side business.  And that’s what I’ve achieved.  At the time of writing this my business’s revenue sits right around $4000 per month.  That’s not a huge number, but it’s also not nothing.   But here’s the deal… It’s taken me nearly 10 years to get to this point when the truth is, I could have done it much faster if I had known what I was doing.  My journey was a lot of trial and error and figuring out what works and what doesn’t.  The goal of this blog is to share what I’ve learned over the years.

My History

I built my first geocities website in circa 2002, (complete with animated gif backgrounds and Comic Sans MS fonts, of course).  In 2005, I registered my first domain name.  By 2007, I had started to develop websites for “clients” (friends) using Joomla.  In 2009, I registered my business with the state and started hosting my first two websites and started to learn WordPress.  Since then it’s been a steady uphill climb.  To this day, I still maintain the entire business on my own.

Who This Blog is For

I’m writing this for people like me:  People who are web developers (though not required)– People who want to work for themselves– People who like a challenge– People who like to tinker and figure things out.  If you’ve ever wondered if you could be your own web host, then this blog is probably for you.

Can You Do This?

Yes!  I’m not going to mislead you and say that running a business is easy or that being your own web host is simple.  But it can be done, and it can be very rewarding.

What Should I Do First?

Well, a good start is signing up for my updates.  This blog is new and limited at the moment, but I’ve got some good stuff planned.

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